As crossed path.
Noted man.
hooded by the bewildered
She walked among
Eden. Star struck
and little notations
have taken thought.
The sweet melodious
tunes of nature.
It was as if beauty
was taken forth.
She lied in a tall grass.
Very itchy indeed.
None the less a stretch
felt accross her face.
Meeting. . .
Death touched her
by the deadliest scent.
It sent her straight to hell.
Little does she know what it feels.
Walking the deep path
of the winded fires.
Breathing down her spine.
She gathered a dozen rocks.
Throwing them accross
the river stycks. She felt
lonely ever since.
Until she was struck by the
beauty one man holds.
That’s death. No expression
just blank.
He felt nothing but fear and
loathing. Shamefulness
and sacrifice. Suicidie at the
top list.
Death hast thou been
desiluted. Turning and staring.
Darkening and gloomy.
He hast never felt this wayest
before. Counted the
days the young beauty died.
He given her gift the beauty of life.
Her Hazel eyes have made
the inhuman spirit feel happiness
and love.
Now that is the how Beauty meets
Death. They walk among the lands
of the living and the dead.