Author Archives: Shelby

Feelings For You

My heart is bleeding from the ends,
As the arteries are no longer full of color.
Whatever I feel for you;
Just a simple way that I love you.

Your tears are full of memories,
As does a half glass of wine
So what you couldn’t find a way

These tides are just as high
as your emotions.

I give so little care for myself;
All I wanna do is dance
with a trace of you
all over me.

Drifting apart as the
tides are ripping
me from your

My feelings for you are so true,
No more can I move to lure
myself back to you.

Whatever feelings that I have for you
are winding down; Vows for the wedding
is all I could remember.

Back when time couldn’t go to the past,
My body laid limp as the tide rolled in.

Faster than a speeding bullet,
Your mullet gracefully flowing in your face.

I could care less about me
I could care less about anyone
I only love you

My feelings are absent
as I start to decompose
my face now black and blue.

So little have you noticed
that you’re holding me
dead in your arms.

The windows broken,
as you try to revive me .
You survived from the storms.

Whatever feelings that I have for you
are winding down; Vows for the wedding
is all I could not remember now.

Back when time couldn’t go to the past,
My body laid limp as the tides pulled me in.

Far away into the blue sea
I just knew from a distance
that I could hear you cry
but please just dry
your tears.

My feelings for you are so true,
No more can I move to
myself back to you.