Author Archives: Shelby


Our nations only hope
is self sacrifice;
Holding onto the
liberty of divinity.

We surrender our serenity;
Turning into war full
of hatred.

We’ve granted the world
whose been lifted from
the hole that’s damaged
their well being.

We surrender what’s left
of the eternity that has
divided the country.

Cries and lies are
what bring our emotions
to the edge.

Our nations only hope
is self sacrifice;
Holding onto the
liberty of divinity.

Hate has brought us
far and that’s why
we are careless
as a nation.

Put your feet in motion
there’s a piece of what’s
left inside.

We surrender what’s left
of our emotions;
let’s end this war.

Break the barrier that’s
between us;
who’ll sacrifice.

Divided as a nation
this sensation made
me feel as we move forward
to reach our destination.

As the world finally grasps
what really fills us all
is hope.

No longer will we
be divided as a
sacred obligation.

Lifting our hands up high
bringing faith to those
who’re divided.

We surrender our serenity;
over looking the war.
As the last man dies.

He sacrificed himself
as he finally reached
to those who only
see in black and white.

We were once divided
to those who only seek

Moving our last bit
of what we believe
is reality.

We no longer surrender
our serenity;
Holding our head up
high to those whose
lives mean the most.

We are the divided.