Author Archives: Shelby

The Sympathy

There is one man
whose here to divide.
When will he shed a tear?
Perverse as the rights
to rekindle the emotions
we humans have discovered.

Within the synchronicity
he stands there forbidden
and thoughtless of his actions.

The lazarus brought the worse
and his darkness enveloping.

When will his actions begin to move?
When will he show such sympathy?
He is no man and shows no hate;
Begging to break free.

No holding back his restraints;
confiding his ability to sway
with the music that’s within.

The sympathy that burned
has extinguished at his very

Heaven nor hell can repent,
So why does he still feel pain?
Why does he have to carry the

He carries a weight above his shoulder,
Atlas has lifted his emotional state.
Should he begin to feel love?

The floods have been rigged
and the gate’s broken down.

Is he not man?
Hate is the option for happiness.
Can he be healed?

So when does it end for him?
When he begins to focus on the world
it revolves around mind over matter.

He will build the state to feel
overwhelmed. Fighting through
the brink of destruction.

Each strike he takes has
swiftly taken a toll.

He carries a sword mentally
and breaks free from his

So why does he still feel pain?
Why does he have to carry the
Has he no control?

History defined from the start.
His expressions now free
no longer feeling hate.

There is one man
whose here to divide.
When will he shed a tear?
Perverse as the rights
to rekindle the emotions
we humans have discovered.

The sympathy has
lethally been injected.
His perverse thoughts
turning to become
more human.